How do you get a flat stomach? Amazing Delicious Fats You Can Eat And Stay Slim

If you’ve been on the weight loss scene for as long as you know that eating fat doesn’t necessarily make you fat. Your body needs healthy fats to maintain a healthy hormone balance and control blood sugar and cravings. You also need good fats to help you burn body fat faster. So let’s take a look at some flat stomach foods that will help you lose that belly. These are essential fatty foods that will help you get a flatter stomach fast.

1. Dark Chocolate – This should be a treat if you like chocolate (but not regular milk chocolate). You need the chocolate with at least seventy-two percent cocoa content. This type will have relatively high fiber. Despite its high caloric content, it burns fat. Try to find a brand with very little sugar and a higher ratio of fat to carbohydrates. You can also use unsweetened organic cocoa powder which has strong antioxidants and fiber but no calories.

2. Butter (pasture-raised, not margarine): Eat rich, smooth and creamy butter only Grass-fed will help you maintain your normal body fat percentage. Why is this so?

Grass-fed butter has naturally occurring conjugated linoleic acid (CLA). The synthetic form of CLA appears to be potentially dangerous. It can stimulate insulin resistance, increase glucose levels, and lower HDL (good cholesterol). The main source of CLA is meat and dairy products from grass-fed animals.

· Grass-fed butter has a good ratio of omega-3 to omega-6 fatty acids. This helps fight inflammation in your body and helps balance your hormones.

This healthy fat also contains Medium Chain Triglycerides (MCTs) which support a healthy immune system and is easily used by the body for energy. MCTs help you stay slim by curbing your appetite and controlling your blood sugar.

3. Coconut (milk, flour, and oil): It also has MCTs. Along with this healthy saturated fat in coconut is lauric acid, an absolute gem for your body’s health. Lauric acid is an immune system booster. These MCTs are used as a source of energy for the body and are not easily stored as body fat compared to other types of fat.

In addition to coconut milk and oil, coconut flour can be used as a good baking option. Coconut flour is very high in fiber with little starch. Compared to most other flours, it is high in protein and is gluten-free. If you are using it for baking, mix it half and half with another flour (perhaps quinoa or almond) as it tends to absorb moisture easily.

4. Another fat that will help you get a flat stomach is found in whole eggs (including the yolk). The yolk contains more than 90% of the vital nutrients, calcium, iron, phosphorus, zinc, thiamine, B6, folate, B12 and pantothenic acid. The yolk also contains vitamins A, D, E, K and all the essential fatty acids. Also, the protein found in the yolk is more bioavailable than the egg white alone.

The best source of whole eggs are organic, free-range eggs, such as on grass-fed animals where free-range nutrition is controlled. Chickens that are allowed to roam and eat naturally will produce more nutrient-dense eggs. Your diet will have a better balance between omega-3 fatty acids and omega-6 fatty acids. Omega-6 fatty acids (excess inflammatory) are found in common store eggs that are from hens fed primarily soy and corn.

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