Relationships: Why do some people hide their true selves in a relationship?

If one is in a relationship, it could show that they are with someone with whom they share every part of their being. What this means is that they will talk about what is going on in their mind, reveal what is going on in their heart, and share their body.

As a result of this, every part of them will usually show up when they are with this person. When you’re around this person, it’s normal for you to feel seen, heard, and connected.

Two parts

There are likely to be at least two reasons why one might fully show up with this person. First, they will feel safe enough with this person to be themselves, and second, they will feel comfortable in their own skin.

Therefore, while the first part is important, it is not as important as the second part. If the second part were not in place, one would not have felt safe enough to appear fully close to this person, thus preventing them from developing a relationship with them.

the main part

With this in mind, the connection that one has with their own being will be what allows them to connect deeply with another being. One will become comfortable with their own feelings and who they are, allowing them to feel comfortable enough to share their feelings and themselves with their partner.

One way of looking at this would be to say that one will be intimate with oneself and that is why one can be intimate with another. Your partner is unlikely to be any different in this regard.

alternative no.

Now this will mean that you will be vulnerable, just like your partner, but this is only part of what it takes to have a fulfilling relationship. The other option would be for them to hide parts of themselves, but this will not allow them to experience a deep connection with another person.

On the one hand, this will require trust, and on the other, it will require inner strength. Confidence will allow you to take the first step and inner strength will give you the certainty that you can handle what happens if you don’t.

The rule

If you were to look back on your life, you could see that, for the most part, this is how your relationships have been. Fortunately, they will not have had to hide who they are from the people in their lives.

One might find it difficult to understand why another person would hide around others. If they were to imagine living this way, it might be as if they were living in an invisible prison.

a different reality

However, while this is how some people experience life, there are likely many others who do not. When this is the case, one will be in a relationship with someone, but the whole being of her will not appear.

Therefore, you could share your mind and body with them, but that will be all that is possible. The emotional part of their being, the part that relates to what is really happening to them, will be hidden.

a heavy load

So you’re going to be in a position where you have someone in your life, but you’re not really connected to them. Instead of being able to share how they feel and receive support, they will keep it to themselves.

Inside, they may seem happy and all is well, but behind this mask, they may feel depressed and even suicidal. Now this could be because your partner has made it clear that he is not interested.

together alone

On the other hand, one might wear this mask because they are not comfortable with their own feelings or who they are. From the moment they met their partner, one may have worn this mask.

The image they present to the world is going to have very little in common with what goes on inside them. Not revealing who you are to your partner probably means your relationship lacks depth and you feel incredibly lonely.


The only way that one will be able to truly connect with their partner, that is, if this person is able to experience a deeper connection at this stage of their life, is if they can let go of the role they are playing. When this happens, it will be a human doing, not a human doing.

However, while wearing a mask will prevent you from truly connecting with another person, it’s likely what feels safe. Dropping this mask will not be seen as something that will benefit your life; it can be seen as something that would cause them to be rejected and abandoned.

a deeper look

If they have worn a mask for as long as they can remember, it may show that their early years were not very enriching. This may have been a time in their life when they experienced some form of abuse and/or neglect.

What this would have done is make them believe that there was something inherently wrong with their being, which is why they had to hide. The years will have passed, but the view that was created at this stage of your life will continue to define your life.



If you can relate to this and want to change your life, you may need to seek outside support. This is something that can be provided with the help of a therapist or healer.

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