Use a 20-question format to succeed with audio interviews

Would a “twenty questions” format be successful when interviewing experts? I think it’s a great idea that will result in a successful interview.

A common format in magazines is to ask each celebrity or expert the same 20 questions. This format seems very popular and well received, and I think it will save you a lot of time and effort.

Let’s say you’re interviewing 20 copywriters, and you’re a copywriter too, that’ll make it easier. So you have 20 different writers and you’ve done another interview with someone else about writing and you already have all those interview questions. You can just put them on a piece of paper and they would be my basic questions so you can get any other writer and ask them the exact same questions. No need to ask new questions for each different expert, you have them all done and ready.

I think it would be a good product because hopefully the questions that you’ve asked are good and quality questions and you’ve really worked hard to do your research or even run an Ask campaign to get the questions that people who want to get into the drafting. business wants to know. Why bother writing new questions when you’ve already spent time and effort on great questions on the topic? Now people can hear the same great questions and see multiple perspectives on it.

So asking those same questions to 20 other writers I think would be great and very easy and less work for the interviewer.

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