Communication at work: how to use high-impact language and have more influence on others

Communicating in the workplace to influence others requires using high-impact language to send your message effectively. You may be reducing your ability to influence others by using soothing phrases in your conversations.

Listen to these 5 sentences when you speak that could imply a lack of confidence or weakness:

“I could be wrong about this, but…” If you know the facts or if you are expressing your opinion, just express it with confidence. The use of a qualifier dilutes and often negates its intent. People often only hear the first few words you say, and you don’t want those words to be “I could be wrong.”

“I’m just the…” No matter what your position is, express it positively. Point out what you can do and who else can help most effectively. “I’m the driver. Let me put you in touch with the warehouse supervisor, who can answer that question.”

“I’m not too sure about that.” Instead, say, “I don’t know.” Tell your listener that you will find an expert or confirm the information. “Let me find the answer and I’ll call you.” If you can add a time frame to your response, your positive influence on your listener is increased. Most people want to be sure that they are talking to the person who can best answer their question or handle their business.

“In my opinion…” Unless you’re referring to someone else’s opinion, just make your statement.” “Firing more people will reduce productivity because…” or “I disagree with that decision because…” Adding because immediately adds credibility and encourages the agreement of others.

“Is it okay if I ask a question?” This pointless question adds nothing to the flow of the discussion or your credibility. Ask the question or wait until you have heard enough to make sure the question is appropriate.

Rephrasing even some of these will have a positive impact on the perceptions of others. Changing your language from negative to positive statements will increase your confidence, self-esteem, and your ability to influence and persuade others.

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