Eight habits that can lead you to poverty

Have you ever wondered why some people are successful but the majority remain poor, even though they all operate in the same economy? Records show that wealth and poverty have coexisted in older civilizations. And it is no different today.

Of course, some people may have certain advantages over others, but it is a known fact that most people who have been successful also had various odds stacked against them, just like everyone else. But they were able to weather the storm and successfully emerged.

I have listed here eight habits that can be responsible for guaranteed poverty. It doesn’t matter what country you are in. As long as you become aware of these eight habits and decide that you are going to do the opposite, success can be assured.


The first habit is procrastination. Procrastination is said to be the thief of time. If you want to be successful, take advantage of opportunities as soon as they come your way, as you may never know when such opportunities will come again if you don’t. Also, strive to set realistic expectations. It is unrealistic to expect success to come too easily and too quickly. Keep in mind that success takes time.


This is a state of not being able to choose between two or more opportunities. For example. One can be talented in sports and music, but find it difficult to choose which one to follow. Most of the time, people with this kind of dilemma can choose to take both opportunities at the same time, but they end up being average people. To be successful, you must choose to do one thing at a time, as it is better to be a master of your game than a jack of all trades.


Successful people have a duty to always look for new ideas. They are associated with books more than entertainment. They continually seek self-development through the pages of books. If you pay a visit to their homes, something you will surely find is a study library. People who crave entertainment at the expense of knowledge are often doomed to a life of poverty.


A comfort zone is a zone where you do something that allows you to eke out a living. It is called a comfort zone because it is less demanding. He often finds people willing to stay in a low-paying job for more than thirty years and retire poor. This happens due to their unwillingness to step out of their comfort zones.

If you want to be successful, you must be willing to step out of your comfort zone. This does not mean that you should quit your job, but be willing to participate in other commitments that will allow you to generate residual passive income.


Waiting for the right time before committing to a business is waiting endlessly because the right time may never come. Experience has shown that every successful person faces disadvantages. In their case, the time was never right, but they met their challenges with dogged determination. Furthermore, waiting to learn everything about, say, a business opportunity before jumping into it is planning to fail. Successful people prefer to learn on the job. They can certainly fail. But they see failure as an opportunity to learn better ways of doing business.


A closed mind is the surest path to poverty. He who has a closed mind does not see beyond where he is. He is, in fact, oblivious to the opportunities that surround him, even when they are shown to him. Anyone who wants to be successful in life must be open to other opportunities. The essence is to create streams of income. There is a general belief that the average millionaire has at least seven streams of income. If any of these revenue streams go out of business, it will still stay afloat.


Some people are poor and have come to believe that their circumstances are responsible. They spend their whole lives in illusions. They wish they were born in a different country, to different parents, have different relatives, etc. More often here people say: “If I had been born to rich parents or born in such and such a country, I would have already been this or that.” However, that may be correct, but it is a known fact that most successful people never had rich parents who bequeathed them any future and their success was not a fluke.

So what could be responsible for its success? First, they fervently desired success. Second, an action plan was established to meet its objectives. Third, they accepted that success will not be easy, but they were ready to move on.

As Jim Rohn said, “If you really want to do something, you’ll find a way. If you don’t, you’ll find excuses.” So drop the excuses of circumstance. Wish success and work very hard to achieve your goals. Your destiny is in your hands.


If you want to be rich, you must make your own business. You will never be rich working for someone else. But setting up a business requires a lot of start-up capital that most people can’t afford. This unique factor has kept many people from setting up their own business and has therefore relegated them to a life of deprivation. However, with the advent of the Internet, this has become relatively easier. Currently, you don’t need tons of millions of dollars to become a business owner. There are several online businesses that you can do to be successful.

The problem with many people is ignorance. Also, many want quick gratification. Many people are not prepared to stay in a business for ten or fifteen years. If they don’t have immediate success, they give up. But know now that success takes time. Also know that you can now become an entrepreneur with very little money. All you need to do is research or ask questions of people who are doing business online.

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