How to Remove the United States Cyber ​​Security Virus

The United States Cyber ​​Security virus is a ransomware that was programmed to attack computers in the US This virus can be distinguished from other malware by very aggressive behavior towards an infected machine. As soon as it enters the system, it locks up the computer completely. The only thing the owner of the infected machine can see is a message:

Your PC is locked up due to at least one of the reasons specified below.

You have been violating copyright and related rights law (video, music, software) and illegally using or distributing copyrighted content, thereby violating article I, section 8, clause 8, also known as copyright of the Penal Code of the United States of America.

Article I, Section 8, Clause 8 of the Penal Code provides for a fine of two to five hundred times the minimum wage or a deprivation of liberty of two to eight years.

To unlock the computer, you must pay the fine via MoneyPak of $ 100.

The United States cybersecurity virus, like other versions of this ransomware, such as the FBI virus, the Canadian police virus, or the Ukash virus, enters the computer using security holes and system vulnerabilities. One could get infected with the virus after downloading a corrupted file or visiting an infected web page. The United States Cyber ​​Security virus is distributed using Trojans downloaded from exploit sites and corrupted shareware.

Once the virus is on the system, it will show you a scary message in a “camera” window every time you turn on your computer. This ransomware disables the rest of your programs, so your PC does not respond to any of your commands. No matter how compelling the message from this virus may seem, don’t pay the penalty. It will only encourage the distribution of more similar viruses and it will definitely not unlock your system. If you have already paid the fine and read this article after spending your money, contact your credit card company as soon as possible and dispute the charges. Please note that none of the official government institutions accept payments through the prepaid payment system. Once you see such a payment option, this should be a first sign for you that something is wrong and you are seeing a scam.

To unlock your computer, you will need to do some work manually. First, restart your computer in Safe Mode or Safe Mode with Networking. Then run MSConfig. Once finished, disable all startup entries. You can easily identify malicious entries as they will refer to a file in your user folder. Restart your computer one more time. This time it should no longer be blocked. Don’t forget to perform a full system scan of your PC.

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