Moving home locally with your pet

Moving house can be very traumatic for your pet. Planning a pet-friendly move is the best way to make the moving process as comfortable as possible for your pet.

The level of stress can vary from pet to pet because, just like people, each of their personalities and temperaments will be completely unique.

There are many practical ways to help your pet feel comfortable during the moving process.

1. Pet pad.

As you shop for a home, be sure to find a place that suits both you and your pet. If it’s an apartment block, check with the corporate body about their pet policies.

2. Set your dates and make your plans

The first thing you’ll need to have ready when planning a pet-friendly move is a general moving schedule. Once you have a set schedule, you can start planning to keep your pet comfortable.

3. Pill to relax

Visit your local health store for a good natural calming remedy. Remember to talk to the store clerk and let them advise you which remedy is best for traveling pets.

You can also talk to your pet if you think they need something stronger, especially if you know your pet doesn’t travel well.

4. Wash your dog and brush the cat

Reserve your pet for a grooming the week of your move, traveling with an animal is easier when they are clean. Have their nails trimmed so you don’t damage your car’s upholstery. Give long-haired dogs a haircut and a good brushing to avoid shedding in the car.

Cats are known to shed more hair when stressed, so be sure to give them a good brushing the morning of the move before all the action starts.

5. Know the Way

Make sure you’ve decided which route you’ll be taking, and have a map handy if you’re unsure of directions. You want the trip to be as quick and stress-free as possible. Remember, even if you get stressed, your pets can pick up on your feelings and stress themselves, so make sure you know where you’re going and have a map handy in case you get lost.

6. Things you need when you need them

Pack a small box or suitcase with your essential pets. Keep it in the car with you so you can have a few essentials on hand for your pet when he arrives. If possible, have their old family beds or even a blanket for them when they arrive. Pack some of his favorite toys and treats in the box or suitcase that you will take with you in the car.

Make sure you have enough pet food for moving day.

7. A good excuse to pamper your princess

Treat your pet extra special during this time, even before moving day, as it will lift their spirits and put them in a euphoric state of mind. Take them for a walk, make time to play, cuddle, scratch, and of course, treats, treats, treats!

8. Watching the watchdog

It is not common for pets to lose their appetite when under stress. Watch the amount of their intake and encourage them from time to time to drink water. If his appetite does not improve, you should contact your vet, especially if your pet has had a sedative.

On the big day, you should try to keep your normal routine as much as possible. Although this may seem like an impossible feat, there are little things that can be done to maintain an appearance of routine.

  • Feed them at the same time you normally do.
  • Go for a walk at the same time you normally do.
  • Play the same games or talk to them as you normally do.

Before releasing your pet from the leash or crate, make sure all windows and doors are closed and everything inside is pet-friendly and safe for your companion.

Put out some familiar items, such as beds, blankets, toys, and bowls of water.

Allow your pet plenty of time to get used to the new home and make sure their identification tags are up to date if they are not chipped.

Keep the cats inside for a few days so they can get used to the fact that they now have a new home. If they go out, they can try to find their way back to their old home. This goes for dogs too, so be sure to check your new yard very carefully to make sure your dog doesn’t run away.

Remember to be patient as they may be out of control or out of spells during this confusing and unsettling period. Make time to play and give love.

Have fun sharing your new space with your pet!

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