Social Networks – Hobby or Marketing Tool?

The social media phenomenon is taking off massively right now. Now that mobile phones are also accessing the Internet, not many people feel like they’re too far away from their latest tweet or Facebook update. Mobile networks know how big this is too, so the latest pay-as-you-go schemes even include free data access to the most popular social networking websites.

But can the latest fad make you money?

Gone are the days when you could put up a sales page on the internet, start a Google AdWords campaign, and get people to buy your product or service. When the internet was relatively new, you might have gotten away with it, but people have picked up on this and they don’t buy anything from anyone anymore! People buy brands they know or from people they know, like and trust.

Think about your TV for example, you probably watch it on most days, if it were to break it would be inconvenient to say the least, so it’s a product to look into when shopping for a replacement. Most likely you’ll head to your local Currys or Comet, maybe check out Amazon or other online stores you know and trust. If you were to walk past Bob’s Bits electrical store on a back street, you’ll be less likely to show up for such an important purchase.

The Internet is very similar. If you have a product or service to sell, now you need to get to know your customer and, more importantly, get them to know, like and trust you before they buy from you.

This is why internet marketers and network marketers are turning to Facebook and Twitter. So let’s take a look at some of the reasons why.

First, it costs nothing; both can be used as free marketing tools.

If I mean that buzz phrase “the money is in the list” I’m sure you’ve heard this before, people spend a lot of time and effort and sometimes money to build a list of people interested in your niche. market. . These lists will stay very close to people’s chests, but with social media, these lists are out there for all to see!

However, there is an important approach to marketing in this way. Once you create your friends or followers list, you must respect them. Maybe you’re online, but they don’t know you yet, so sending endless ads to your websites or products will cause them to unfollow you, no one likes getting spammed!

Think of it as a relationship you need to build, you wouldn’t sleep with someone you just met, you want them to bring you wine and dinner first, you want to know that this can progress to a place that makes you happy. . I may be the first to compare online marketing to sex, but keep that in mind and you’ll be on the right track.

Nowadays everyone is looking for “something for nothing”, we are a world full of gift loving people so take this knowledge and use it wisely. While interacting with your followers and friends, always try to help them, inspire them with thought-provoking quotes or send them to your videos and blogs that give them help and advice, in essence solve their problems. They also want to get to know you more personally, so let them see pictures of you and videos of what you do when you’re not tweeting.

Only then can you expect to get a potential sale. If a person gets to know you and you have helped them, then yes, they will seriously consider what you have to offer. Then you can turn one of the fastest growing transit times of the masses into your personal ATM.

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