The bed bugs are gone and now they are back. Why and what to do with them?

Good night, sleep well, don’t let the bed bugs bite! A silly nursery rhyme that most kids don’t even remotely understand. This is because these blood suckers have not been a problem in the world of most children for many generations.

That is, until now. But it’s ridiculous to think that a silly rhyme would make anyone feel better!

Bed bugs were mostly eradicated from the United States thanks to DDT after World War II. While these hideous parasites had been commonplace, in a matter of maybe 5 years, they were basically ancient history. Kind of like electricity took out the candles, bed bugs used to be everywhere and then they disappeared.

But then things changed … Now all of a sudden, we are dealing with them everywhere. What we once thought was gone is now showing up in all kinds of public places. Not only in hotels but in cinemas, shopping centers, airplanes, theme parks, etc. Damn, people get bed bugs when shopping at Victoria’s Secret, for crying out loud!

How the heck did this turn of events happen? How do we get from none to everywhere in a short period of time?

It all goes back to what is known as “Pesticide Resistance”.

All pesticides used to kill bed bugs are synthetic. That means they do not exist in nature, but are created by scientists in a laboratory. Chemical companies created all kinds of synthetic pesticides (including DDT) and practically eliminated them all. But then the nasty scientific phenomena known as pesticide resistance came into play.

Pesticide Resistance: When you use a synthetic pesticide, it works for a while. But eventually, all the insects that they intend to kill become immune. The more varieties of synthetic pesticides used to control a particular pest, the more they become Super Bugs, which means they are resistant to just about everything. That’s exactly what we have today: super bed bugs that are immune to the pesticides created to control them. It is an accurate statement to say that almost all synthetic pesticides known to man today are worthless to treat. Otherwise they would not be a problem.

So what do we do? How can they be controlled? Is it because of scientific advances in laboratories?

Absolutely not! It is up to nature and her offerings which give us the ability to safely and effectively control this nemesis.

Cedar is nature’s ingredient to control ALL the insects you don’t want. And it is absolutely impossible for bed bugs to become immune to cedar. That is because cedar is natural. Not synthetic. Insects can only become immune to natural UN substances.

Armed with this knowledge, there is no longer a need to fear bed bugs. In case you tell silly tales at night to the kids in bed, thank goodness they don’t need to understand it yet!

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