Does playing video games adversely affect children?

Like the comics of yesteryear, video games today have become the most popular mode of entertainment among children. With the release of gaming systems like Playstation, Xbox, Game Cube, and Nintendo, more and more kids are getting absorbed into the addictive world of video games. The advent of the Internet has brought online gaming to the fore, creating gaming communities that overcome the barriers of distance and time.

A recent report has shown that almost 45% of heavy video game players are in the 6-17 age group. With a growing number of video games depicting death and destruction, this has become an area of ​​concern, as young minds are more susceptible to violence. Games like Mortal Combat, Doom, Painkiller, Unreal Tournament, and Half Life have gory scenes of bloodshed and violence, and are likely to have adverse effects on children. Numerous studies have linked video games to abnormal behaviors in children, such as aggression, depression, and game addiction.

Perhaps the most memorable incident that linked video games to violence was the 1999 Columbine High School massacre. In a bloody shooting, students Eric Harris and Dylan Klebold killed thirteen of their classmates, before shooting themselves. While the motive for the incident was never known, it was revealed that both Harris and Klebold enjoyed playing the game Doom, which involved shooters launching bullet attacks at opponents. Although this may be an example of an extreme act, daily acts of aggression are commonly noticed among many video game players. Extreme reaction to minor incidents, inability to deal with criticism, frequent verbal assaults are some of the most common forms of violent behavior seen in children addicted to video games.

Another possible result of playing violent video games is the blurring of the lines of reality and fantasy. Since young minds are more susceptible to strong impressions, it is very likely that children mistakenly take the world of video games for real. The sense of power and control they enjoy in the virtual world of games often provokes similar acts in the real world, sometimes leading to disastrous results. In addition, excessive dependence on video games can also interfere with children’s socialization processes.

Parents, therefore, should strictly monitor the play habits of young children. To prevent children from developing an addiction to video games, parents should limit play time and promote other modes of recreation. It is also advisable to check the game age ratings and game content provided by the manufacturers and make sure it is suitable for young children. Games depicting scenes of violence, murder, and sexuality may be avoided.

Although a lot can be said about the harmful effects of video games on a child’s psyche, there are also some positives. Most games require the player to develop a game strategy that can help foster decision-making skills in children. Video games also help children become familiar with computer technology and improve their logical thinking skills. Under the proper guidance of parents and careful supervision, video games can also be a source of limitless fun for young minds. Like other gifts of science, this too must be handled with care.

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