Long Term Disability Lawyers

Term Disability Lawyers

In Canada, one out of three citizens experiences some sort of long term disability. Long term disability refers to a period longer than 90 days. If you or a loved one has been disabled for more than 90 days, you may be entitled to receive benefits from your long term disability insurance plan. A lawyer can help you understand your rights and maximize the benefits of your insurance coverage. Read on to learn more about the services of long term disability lawyers in Toronto.

disability law firm

Many insurers are aggressive in their efforts to limit your liability for long-term disability benefits. They will use deceptive tactics, trigger clauses that are not applicable to your specific situation, or simply stop paying benefits for the smallest medical conditions. If you believe your claim has been improperly denied, you should seek legal advice as soon as possible. A long term disability discrimination lawyer in Toronto will know your rights and can pursue legal action against the insurer to obtain compensation.

Long Term Disability Lawyers

A qualified long term disability lawyer will be able to level the playing field with the LTD insurer. The best lawyers will be able to get the compensation you deserve without spending a lot of time or money. For example, Michael Jordan is well respected by insurance company lawyers. His success rate with clients is over ninety percent. In addition to free legal advice, Michael Jordan offers “No Fee Guarantee” and free case evaluations. He promptly responds to all inquiries.

If you have a long-term disability insurance policy, your insurer should pay you a monthly benefit to compensate for the loss of income. This benefit may even include retraining or rehabilitation costs. If your long-term disability is due to an illness or injury, your insurer will likely cover these expenses. It may also cover your health care expenses, if necessary. As long as your doctor approves the benefits, you may be eligible to receive benefits.

As long as you have an appropriate medical condition and an employment history that supports your claim, you should be able to receive LTD benefits without any hassles. It is important to avoid unnecessary stress if you are suffering from a disabling medical condition. However, your insurer might deny you LTD benefits. Worse, your income replacement payments may be prematurely terminated. In such cases, you will need to seek the assistance of a long-term disability lawyer to help you get the benefits you deserve.

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