Spring cleaning for the soul

One day you open the door of your house and the signs of spring welcome you. You notice that the daffodils and crocuses have burst into flower. The air around you feels noticeably lighter. The world of nature and all its creatures are stepping forward to begin the process of rebirth. You take a deep breath and feel excited! Every scent is warm and inviting. The day is emerging from the shadows of winter, it lasts longer, casting a golden green light on everything it touches. Yes, this is the day you notice that spring has arrived! Maybe they will take you back in time, to a memory of a spring day when you were a child. Suddenly you feel full of energy, ready to face the days ahead with new enthusiasm and enthusiasm.

Many of us welcome spring with annual rituals. We often feel a strong need to freshen up, get organized, and make changes to our living environment…that is, our homes. I would like to suggest that as you begin spring cleaning, whatever that entails, that you seriously consider taking some time for yourself and doing some soul spring cleaning. Approaching this annual event on a holistic level will engage your whole being (body, mind, and spirit) in the process of renewal.

Thomas Moore in Care of the Soul said, “It is impossible to define precisely what the soul is. The soul is not a thing, but rather a quality or dimension of experiencing life and ourselves. The soul is aligned with love, care , authenticity, connection, compassion, intimacy and internal communication. Simple gestures that seemingly take place on the surface of life can be of central importance to the soul.”

Often with the hectic schedules of our modern lives, we forget our need to connect with spirit on a very personal level and that is when our problems begin. Very often we get buried under situations, events and emotions. Over time, this little pile of experiences gets bigger and heavier. We begin to fight for breath. Eventually, we may feel a sense of loss, as if a piece is missing. We feel a longing for something, but we cannot name what that something is. Solutions that used to work for us are no longer effective coping strategies. All of these things happen because we lose that connection with our true Self.

It is when we take the time to look deeply into our Being and begin to sort through the mess, that we begin to dig our way back to the surface. Our self-image is programmed into our minds and memories, creating a reflection of who we think we are. This image begins to form early in life and is often based on the good intentions of others: parents, spouses, children, friends. As time passes, we grow and develop. What was once necessary may now be necessary and may actually get in the way of real progress in staying connected to who we really are. Although looking closely at ourselves in the mirror is never an easy task because we may not like what we see, it is an essential task if we want to discover the true meaning and purpose of our existence. Have a clean sweep this season by following some of the spring personal cleaning tips listed below.

Personal tips for spring cleaning

Soul searching is a term one occasionally hears reference to when searching for answers. I have heard the terminology used more in conjunction with a person who has gotten into some kind of trouble and the authority in charge suggests, in a very strong way, that the person had better do some soul searching! The following checklist contains suggestions if you are beginning your search for your true Self that may be buried deep in the foundation of who you are. The tips do not contain anything you are hearing for the first time. The point is not to dazzle you with new ideas, but simply an opportunity to remind you of some beneficial strategies in reconnecting with Spirit.

Pay attention:

What feelings or emotions are creating stress? The first step in any growth process is to accurately identify the problem. The question to ask yourself: Is there a prolonged emotional state or state of mind I am stuck in that I cannot find a satisfactory resolution for? Without knowing the real cause, you are just grasping at straws to find the solution.

Search for meaning:

After identifying the problem, it becomes necessary to find the meaning attached to it. In this step we must experience the feelings here and learn their meaning, only then will we be able to make changes in our behavior and attitudes.

Redesign deprecated behavior:

As we reflect on the state we find ourselves in and the meaning attached to it, we need to examine our current responses. Old patterns often turn out to be ineffective and do little to resolve the conflictive states we find ourselves in, so we are forced to change the pattern. If the old techniques no longer work, then we need to stop spinning our wheels. It is through this reflection of past events and opening ourselves to the future, that we empower ourselves with the knowledge and understanding that we gained through our struggles.

Suggestions to help change old behavior patterns:

1. Appreciate: Be grateful, express appreciation, give thanks.

2. Check your assumptions

3. Get Energized – Take the time to attend to your needs in a way that helps you connect with

your feelings, emotions, body and spirit

4. Replace negative self-talk – use positive images and affirmations

5. Feel the interconnectedness with everyone and everything in the universe

6. Visualize what you want

7. Let go and let go of what is not serving you in a beneficial way

Choose your attitude:

Choose to replace feelings of helplessness and self-doubt with feelings of empowerment and connection to your Higher Self.

The search for who we really are is a lifelong journey of discovery. It is a path strewn with many emotions, struggles, and opportunities to learn our own particular lessons of truth, which resonate within each of us. It is through this ongoing process of self-investigation that we can transform what is meaningless into something meaningful and find peace, happiness and the Divine in everything around us! So why not get ready for some deep spiritual spring cleaning this time?

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