The Ever-Changing Brain Injury

The world of head injuries is flexible and sometimes unpredictable. What is true one minute may not be true the next. Asking for help? Offer help? Just do something without asking?

Caregivers are sometimes unsure of what to do and when to do it.

The discussion with the person with the head injury about how much help they need can also be difficult. Often times, someone with a head injury has no insight or understanding of what their deficits may be; they just don’t understand that they can’t balance a checkbook, drive a car, cook dinner, or keep a schedule.

When this level of care is required, it can be exhausting and frustrating for everyone involved. Once most of the recovery has passed (18 to 24 months, although recovery can continue for a long time), setting regular schedules and reminders becomes a staple for any household.

1. Daily Schedule – A daily schedule written in short sentences, at specific times can be very helpful. This can be done with a schedule on the side, or as a daily reminder, eg brush teeth – 8:00 am. Either way, keeping this type of schedule in a consistent place will help reduce caregiver anxiety about always remembering everything that needs to be completed.

2. The walk away rule: At any time, stress and anxiety can turn into an argument about simple things. The period of withdrawal or calm is essential for any caregiver. Unfortunately, many times the person who is trying to take a break is chased by the person who is upset. Everyone should do their best to set boundaries or a signal that one of you has had enough for now.

3. Find time to do something fun every day: Whether it’s a long hug, sitting on the couch together, a back rub, or watching the sunset, nothing is more important than trying to maintain some support from your spouse. /family. person separated from the caregiver. This is the hardest piece to make and the hardest to pay attention to, but one of the most important.

Relationships and support are the common threads that hold a person with a brain injury together. Those who live with and around that person play an important role in creating a supportive and stable environment.

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