The P-Spot: Everything Every Man Should Know About the Male Perineum

For years, the perineum has been a well-known erogenous zone, one that hasn’t gotten the credit it deserves. Often referred to as the “spot” as in “it’s not your balls and it’s not your booty,” this nest of super nerds is a secluded vacation spot for reportedly the best orgasms many men have ever had. Let’s learn more about this mythical area and how best to use it in your “star-seeing” ability.

Where is point P?

The P spot lives in that little strip of soft skin between the anus and the testicles. This small diamond-shaped area is packed with concentrated nerve endings, making it Mr. Big of erogenous zones for both men and women. Since it’s out of the way, isn’t stimulated often, and has all those nerve endings, the sensitivity of the perineum is incredible compared to that of the penis, which receives extensive regular care. There is nothing new about the perineum and people have been stimulating it on the DL for centuries. However, over the past decade, as society has become more vocal about the G-spot, it’s only natural that the male counterpart, the P-spot, has gained some notoriety as well.

Point P Benefits

Stimulating the male perineum has been shown to provide several benefits for men, and not just of the sexual variety. Here are some ways male perineal stimulation benefits men:

Increases blood flow. It not only awakens the senses and the limb by relaxing the vessels and allowing a good flow, but also helps the whole body to obtain clean and oxygenated blood.

Relaxation. Many men have stiff pelvic muscles from sitting and stiff walking. This opens up the area and relaxes the muscles.

Increased sexual pleasure. According to most men, P-spot orgasms are more intense and last longer. They have also been linked to stronger and firmer erections.

cleaning the area. There are tons of little bits of trapped fluid that can clog the glands. Massaging the prostate helps to clear them and push them out through the urethra. This is said to reduce the risk of prostate problems in the future.

biofilm disruption. The penis can contain bacteria that can colonize and create a biofilm. The biofilm protects the bacteria from antibiotics. Massaging the prostate is said to have been shown to disrupt the biofilm, allowing antibiotics to work.

Playing with point P

There are many ways to stimulate the male perineum. Start with a few drops of a quality lubricant. Using one or two fingers, lightly encircle the perineum. Adjust pressure and speed as needed. Some people also like a few gentle pinches or slaps in this area. It is a great addition to masturbation, oral or penetrative sex. With oral, use your mouth to apply occasional suction to the area while twisting and moving your tongue. Using a vibrator on a very low setting on the area is another way to intensify a man’s orgasm.

Increase the sensitivity of point P

Want more P-spot pleasure? Increase sensitivity in the area by focusing on promoting good blood flow. Men can promote good blood flow by:

– Maintain or work toward a healthy weight.

– Regular daily exercise that works the cardiovascular system and muscles.

– Stretch those pelvic areas! Keep your pelvic area loose and flexible to improve blood flow (and to keep your hips ready for the retirement years).

– Sit less. Sitting compresses the perineum, making it less sensitive.

Another way to increase blood flow to the perineum is to use a specially formulated penile health cream. (Health professionals recommend Man 1 Man Oil, which has been clinically proven to be safe and gentle on skin.) containing specific amino acids such as L-Carnitine and L-Arginine. These amino acids protect the nerves from damage by friction and compression and also cause the blood vessels to dilate more efficiently bringing more oxygen, nutrients and blood flow to the area, which in turn increases the sensitivity of the perineum. Add vitamins A, B5 and E, which also increase blood flow to the veins and capillaries to take it home.

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