How To Grow Taller – 5 Awesome Techniques That Will Increase Your Height Fast No Matter Your Age!

Growing taller is actually not that hard; even if you have passed puberty, because you see that it has nothing to do with age. Your height depends on a hormone called “Human Growth Hormone” which is responsible for increasing height during puberty as well as after. This little known HGH secret can be harnessed by doing a few key things that will help increase its production and use in your body, to make you taller. This is how you can increase your height fast…

Sleep without a pillow under your neck or sleep with a thinner pillow; You may have heard this before, but this is a proven tactic for growing taller. Although it is not the most comfortable for most; Because let’s be honest, who doesn’t like a good pillow under their neck when they sleep, but you should do this if you really want to grow taller.

Sleep with a pillow under your knees – You should always sleep for at least 8 hours when using these techniques, and this along with the first tip will allow you to get that few inches you’ve been dreaming of. Always make sure that when you are sleeping, you are not sleeping in curled up or stomach positions etc. because these positions constrict his skeletal form and do not allow him to reverse the effects of gravity on his body.

Inversion and stretching techniques: This is something that some people take to the extreme, but when done for 30 minutes every day, inversion (hanging upside down by your feet or using exercises that target this) and stretching (exercises for the upper torso, such as pull-ups or simply hanging from a bar) will allow you to undo the effects of gravity and decompress your body; which in turn will add a few inches to your height over time.

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